What are the main types of eating disorders?


The difference is that binge eaters don’t purge their bodies of excess calories.

It is important to prevent problem behaviors so that they do not develop into fully developed eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia, for example, are often preceded by a very strict diet and weight loss. Binge eating disorder can start with occasional binges. Anytime an eating behavior begins to have a destructive impact on a person’s performance of duties or self-image, it is time to consult a highly trained mental health professional, such as a licensed and licensed psychologist. experience treating people with eating disorders.

Who has eating disorders?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, adolescent and young women account for 90 percent of cases. However, eating disorders are not just a problem for adolescent women so often described in the media. Older men and women, as well as children can also develop these disorders. A growing number of ethnic minorities are being affected by these devastating diseases.

What causes eating disorders?

Determinados factores psicológicos predisponen a las personas a desarrollar trastornos en la alimentación. Las familias o relaciones disfuncionales son un factor importante. Los rasgos de personalidad pueden también contribuir a estos trastornos. La mayoría de las personas con trastornos de la alimentación tiene baja autoestima, se sienten indefensas y con una insatisfacción profunda por su apariencia.

Hay características específicas vinculadas con cada uno de los trastornos. Por ejemplo, las personas con anorexia tienden a ser perfeccionistas, mientras que las personas con bulimia son a menudo impulsivas. Los factores físicos como la genética también desempeñan un papel importante en poner en peligro a las personas.

Why is it important to seek treatment for these disorders?

as investigaciones indican que los trastornos en la alimentación son uno de los problemas psicológicos que tienen menos probabilidades de ser tratados. Los trastornos en la alimentación con frecuencia no desaparecen por sí solos, y dejarlos sin tratamiento puede acarrear consecuencias graves. De hecho, el Instituto Nacional de la Salud Mental estima que uno de cada diez casos de anorexia termina en muerte por hambre, suicidio o complicaciones médicas como ataques al corazón o insuficiencia renal.

How can a psychologist help a person to recover?

Psychologists play a vital role in the successful treatment of eating disorders. These are integral members of a multidisciplinary team that may be necessary to provide adequate patient care. As part of this treatment, a doctor may be consulted to rule out disease and determine if the patient is in immediate physical danger. A nutritionist may be asked to help assess and improve nutritional intake.

Once the psychologist has identified important problems that require attention, and developed a treatment plan, he helps the patient to replace destructive thoughts and behaviors with more positive ones. For example, the psychologist and patient can work together to focus on health rather than weight. The patient can keep a food diary in order to create more awareness of the types of situations that trigger binge eating.


Yes. Most cases of eating disorders can be successfully treated by properly trained health and mental health care professionals. It must be borne in mind that the treatments do not give results in a short term. For many patients, treatment can be long-term.


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